WOW! What a year! Thanks to you and all of your support, 2016 brought tons of good, happy, healthy changes to my business. I’m incredibly grateful to have all of you joining me on this entrepreneurial ride!
Some of you have mentioned how much my photography has improved over the past year. Thank you for noticing! For the first time ever, I spent money (kind of a lot of money!) to train with some of the best photographers in the business. Learning from them has been an incredible blessing. Being able to share what I’ve learned through the images I provide to you after our sessions has made my heart so happy! I know I still have a lot to learn, but I finally found myself handing off imagery that I was proud of (and hope you’re proud of it too!) These are your families. These are photographs you’ll be able to cherish for the rest of your lives. The generations that come after you will be able to look back at these images with pride…proud to know where their roots come from!
Thank you for making your photo sessions a priority. Our children grow so fast. We may not realize it now, but when they are walking across that graduation stage, we will love the fact that we documented their journey getting to that point! Photographs are so incredibly important and I am so honored you chose me to capture your family this year! Promise me this – no matter what – you will never stop making it a priority to document, document, document! Take as many photos as you possibly can! You can never take back the time…so at least make sure you can look back at it through imagery!
As I finally get around to wrapping up 2016, I feel honored. You’ve not only helped me to keep my business alive, you have helped me make it thrive! I have big plans for 2017 – one of which includes quitting my full-time job and putting all my effort into all of you. Cheers to making my clients my number 1 priority (well, after my family of course;)) This year you won’t be waiting around on imagery or wondering when I’ll be able to squeeze you in. For the first time ever, I’ll have weekday flexibility! I’m so excited to FINALLY be able to make Andrea Fay Photography an iconic photographic experience!
Thank you for all of your support and your continual encouragement. I owe you all BIG TIME! Thanks for believing in a small town girl with a big city photographer dream;) I love you guys!
Happy New Year! Cheers to 2017!!!