There’s just something about being in this business that makes each and every baby I photograph an amazing blessing. Almost three years ago, I was blessed with photographing this little guy’s sister. Emma was one of my first babies. I had no clue what I was doing. I thought simply putting a baby in a basket was successful photography. I loved the pics at the time, don’t get me wrong – but I had a long journey to travel as far as newborn photography was concerned! After attending several workshops, seminars and online training sessions, my style and expertise has dramatically improved. Lucky for me, the Holz family gave me a chance to showcase my new style with their sweet, adorable baby boy!
Life is funny like that. Each journey we take leads us somewhere we’ve never been. It gives us a path to look back on and be proud of. If you don’t start somewhere, you’ll never get where you’re going.
I’m incredibly thankful that I get to spend my time capturing memories of families and their journeys through life. I’ve had the opportunity to watch Emma grow, and now I get to start this next journey of Emma with her baby brother, Jack, following her footsteps! With the fun we’ve had over these last three years, I can only imagine the adventures this little guy is going to take us on!
Holz family – thank you for trusting me again with your newest addition! I’m so grateful to have your family in my life! Congratulations on your handsome, adorable, perfect baby boy!!!