
Ayva | 3-months-old

And just like that, the sweet baby girl that I rushed to the hospital to photograph when she entered this world has already turned 3-months-old! I remember the nurses commenting on how cute she was then. Saying things like, “not all babies come out cute!” – if only they could see her now! That smile, even at such a young age, absolutely lights up an entire room!

I’ll never forget the night she was born. She’ll forever be known as my 2-push baby – I’m still in shock as to how quickly she entered the world once she was ready! It’s no wonder though, she was sent here with a mission in mind – to spread joy to all those who meet her! Sweet baby Ayva – stay sweet, stay happy, keep on spreading that joy!!!

It is such a pleasure to capture your happiness! Happy 3-months, baby girl!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide