
Brielle | 3-months-old

Wow! This baby girl is already 3-months-old!

I remember being little like it was yesterday. Do you remember that? When time passed by so slow. An hour seemed like an eternity! Now, an hour seems like a milli-second – there’s never enough time to get what I need to accomplish done. Just like this photo session for instance – it’s been sitting on my desktop for the last two weeks. It was waiting for me to have more photos to edit, more things to accomplish, and what seems like less time to do it in.

This sweet baby girl’s growth is going just as fast. I feel like I was just typing up her birth blog….like it was maybe a day ago, not more than three months ago! The things she has learned in that amount of time have absolutely amazed me. She went from that teeny tiny infant stage of eat, sleep, poop to her adorable self now – all giggles and laughter. She absolutely loves interaction, and my little guy absolutely loves giving his baby cousin “knuckles” and making her laugh! He can’t quite understand why she won’t shake his hand or give him a high five, but I’m sure that’ll come with time….time that will go by way too fast!

Thankfully, we have photos for that very reason: To make a moment in time stand still. To give us something to admire today, tomorrow, even years from now. I know you’re growing fast, baby girl – but I’m so glad we’ll have these memories of your teeny tiny self just the way you are…right now! We’ll always be able to look back and see that adorable smile, listen to your adorable baby coos in our memories, and we’ll never forget the joy you brought us at this stage in life! Happy 3-months, Brielle!


andrea rhode | The rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide

Andrea rhode | the rhode co

Inspiring Dreamers Worldwide