This senior was an absolute blast! (and her top-model entourage made the day even more fun!)
We completed a full north fondy tour between an old church, restaurant and bridge, to a park and school softball fields. It was nice to switch up my typical Lakeside Park routine and get to see a little more of the Fond du Lac area.
It was also nice to work with someone who has a big heart and a breathtaking smile! Holli was an awesome sport – I didn’t hear her complain a single time and it was hot and sticky out there….and we made her change in the car as we went. In addition to her awesome attitude, as I went through imagery I saw very few photos that didn’t have that amazing smile in them….and as a photographer and an editor – that’s extremely impressive;)
Holli – thanks for letting me capture your senior photos! It was an honor to get to work with you (and your crew!) Best of luck in your senior year – and keep up that positivity. I’ve only had the opportunity to spend a couple hours with you, but it was enough time to know your positive attitude and personality will get you far in life. Dream big, my friend;)