When I walked into the hospital room, I was already amazed at the teamwork I witnessed. Matthew was up, changing Maddux’s diaper. Amanda was watching – the slight smile on her face said it all, she was already proud of her husband and his ability to care for their brand new baby boy.
The way they discussed the birthing process together and the trials and tribulations they had faced, it was easy to sense their pride, their excitement, and their eagerness to fast-forward to the future (to see who Maddux would become), but to also remain in that moment for as long as they could (knowing all too well he would grow up in the blink of an eye).
They say when you get married, you either grow stronger together or you grow apart. These two have definitely grown stronger. Experiencing life together has helped them to appreciate each other more and more each day. Becoming parents has allowed them to appreciate each other but also the gifts they’ve been given in life. Maddux being the best gift of all!
Eight days after Maddux was born, I made the haul in the lovely -8 degree weather to Milwaukee. I got to step into their home and see how the parenting was going a week later. They were a bit more exhausted, but their enthusiasm was the same. Their little guy had already brought them so much joy! They were a team – the three of them, and their pups.
Amanda, Matthew & Maddux – thank you for inviting me down to not only visit, but to also capture every ounce of Maddux’s newborn-ness!
Parenting is tough work – there are days you’ll be so exhausted you won’t want to breath, there will be days…even weeks when you don’t know how to get a shower in, food will become an extra because you just don’t have the motivation to get up and throw something in the microwave…..but trust me – it will all be worth it. Looking into Maddux’s eyes will make everything else seem miniscule! I’m so incredibly happy for you guys! Welcome to life as parents – I’m so excited for you be on this side of the street;)
Bring on zoo trips and children’s museum visits. I can’t wait!!!
Here he is…Maddux at day 8!