
Reece | 3-months-old

You know, usually with a 3-month blog I focus on the little one and how much they’ve learned in such a short period of time. But this round, I’m going to focus in on big brother Blake! Why? Because he has grown up so much in the past 3-months, and frankly, it’s pretty amazing!

When Reece was born, we tried our hardest to get them to pose together – Blake just wasn’t having it. This time around, he was all about his baby brother. He made sure he was ok when he cried, he tried to help me get a smile out of Reece during every shot, and he even gave him photography pointers – leaning in close to ensure baby Reece was rocking his session;)

Another big milestone, Blake can count to 5…which means he’s probably teaching Reece his numbers as I write this blog!

Being the big brother is a lot of work, but I have a feeling it’ll all be worth it as these two continue to grow up as best friends!

Happy 3-months, Reece!


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